Hatchery International

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Russia scales up recreational campaign in Siberia

July 4, 2023  By Hatchery International staff

Photo: Koryazhemsky hatchery

Russian hatcheries in Siberia, primarily engaged in regional recreational programs, have rolled out plans to scale up operations in the coming years. 

For example, Chernyshevsky fish hatchery in the Yakutia Republic plans to expand the geography of stocking and, in addition to broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus) and peled (Coregonus peled), start breeding whitefish (Coregonus williamsoni), white salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and omul (Coregonus autumnalis). 

As explained by Vasily Cherepanov, general director of the hatchery, the production technology is currently being worked out. The eventual target is to expand the stocking campaign to the entire Western Yakutia, covering the Lena, Anabar, and Vilyui rivers. 

In 2021, Russian state-owned hatcheries released a record-breaking 2.8 billion units of broodstock across the country, 200 million units up compared to the previous year. 


More than half of that figure falls for Siberia, primarily the area of the Baikal Lake. Last year, the Baikal hatcheries reportedly released nearly 1.5 billion units of omul and sturgeon (Acipenser) fry into the lake. 

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