Hatchery International

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FAI launches tilapia welfare app and online training

February 6, 2023  By Monica Dick

Working with scientists and farmers in Brazil, Thailand and China, FAI Farms has developed a free to use tilapia welfare app that uses scientifically validated welfare indicators for fish health, behaviour and nutrition, as well as environmental conditions.

“Who cares the most about tilapia welfare? We believe farmers are the most important actor to drive welfare improvements in aquaculture. Farmers are an untapped force for good whose power can be unleashed through practical farm assessments that align business and welfare objectives,” said Øistein Thorsen, CEO of FAI.

The app integrates well-established animal welfare science into farmers’ daily routines. It monitors progress, identifies improvement opportunities and provides real-time insight to users, supported by online training in multiple languages.

“We are now looking for partners – farmers, production companies, hatcheries and processors – who want to trial the app and start assessing their fish in order to improve welfare, production outcomes and profitability. Our experience is that assessments kickstart a positive spiral of improvements,” said Murilo Quintiliano, director at FAI.

The company is also launching free online training on tilapia welfare in five languages: Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai and English.

“FAI’s online training suite on tilapia welfare is the first of its kind focused on implementing welfare practices in tilapia aquaculture daily routines, from hatchery to slaughter. The courses can be accessed on a smartphone, tablet or computer and were created for everyone working in tilapia aquaculture,” said Thorsen.

The training modules focus on tilapia nutrition, health, environment and humane slaughter. After completing each module, the learners have the option to take a final quiz and get a free certificate of completion.

“I can access the training on my smartphone, I can see progress and get a final certificate for free. Everyone wins – the farmers and the fish,” said Paulo Tahara, owner of Brazilian tilapia farm Tahara Pescados.

The first training session on tilapia welfare indicators and on tilapia nutrition and welfare are now available to try. Participants will be able to register to get direct enrolment to the free courses once they are launched in early 2023.

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