Hatchery International

Features Recirc
Big land-based sturgeon unit opens in Abu Dhabi

January 30, 2014  By Quentin Dodd

Emirates AquaTech is projecting an annual production of 35 metric tonnes of caviar and 700 tonnes of sturgeon in its new land-based recirc facility that covers around 56

What’s reputed to be one of the world’s largest indoor sturgeon facilities opened at Abu Dhabi in December. Emirates AquaTech Caviar Farm LLC announced the launch of Emirates AquaTech, a land-based recirculation facility covering around 56,000 square metres which will produce Siberian caviar and sturgeon meat under the Yasa Caviar brand-name.

         Initial projections indicate a capacity of some 35 metric tonnes of caviar and 700 tonnes of sturgeon meat per year.

The company claims that its full-lifecycle operation uses patented technology to breed fish in a system designed to allow for fish farming that is both economically viable in the Emirates and environmental-friendly and sustainable in the high-temperature climate.

         Yasa Caviar and all other Emirates AquaTech products are to be marketed exclusively by Garamond International, a company with offices in Abu Dhabi and Barcelona, Spain.

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