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B.C. salmon farmers’ group takes precautionary measures amid Covid-19

March 18, 2020  By Mari-Len De Guzman

BCFSA is ceasing farm visits to protect farm workers from potential exposure to the coronavirus (Source: BCSFA)

The B.C. Salmon Farmers’ Association is taking precautions to protect its farm workers from the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19).

“While the risks related to the coronavirus remain low on Vancouver Island at this time, B.C. salmon farmers are taking reasonable actions to protect team members and do our part to limit the virus’ spread,” a statement from the BCSFA said.

Among the measure being implemented is the temporary suspensions of non-essential visits to farm sites to limit potential exposure to live-aboard staff.

Other measures the BCSFA is undertaking include:

  • Suspending work-related travel to regions of the world the Government of Canada has noted as areas of concern, such as northern Italy and mainland China;
  • Taking the precaution of evaluating travel to conferences or other large international events that require passing through large airports or other high-traffic hubs on a case-by-case basis;
  • Asking any team member who is showing symptoms of the illness, has come into contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus, or has visited a country where the risk is higher to let their manager know and to self-isolate themselves for a period of time;
  • Reminding staff of hand-washing and coughing guidelines issued by health authorities;

“We are monitoring the situation and will adjust our approach as needed,” the statement said.

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