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Troutex issues phishing warning

December 23, 2016  By Quentin Dodd

In 2015 Troutex launched its homepage www.troutex.dk. Unfortunately, the success of the site and a growing number of visits caught the attention of IT criminals, who launched a fake webpage that looks very much like the original site. The fake website offered fertilized trout eggs using false email addresses but accurate names. Troutex acted quickly, the false domain, website and email addresses have been shut down and the fraud has been reported to the police.

Troutex urges all its customers to  exercise extreme caution against phishing attempts and make sure they have the correct contact data for all suppliers. Customers are advised to be suspicious of any changes in phone numbers, email addresses and bank account data.

Troutex emphasizes that this criminal activity is not related to weak IT systems at Troutex. Sadly, all businesses are vulnerable to frauds such as this.

If you have any questions related to Troutex, please contact us at mail@troutex.dk or by phone +45 4040228.

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