Hatchery International

From the Editor: Handle with care

June 12, 2023  By Jean Ko Din

When helicopters have a large load of fish, pilots set down on the water. If not, they may drop them from 15 feet. (Photo: NYSDEC)

I realize now that when thinking about hatchery stories, I have not really thought about the harrowing journey that sometimes lies ahead for the young fish that leave the hatchery.

Transporting fish is such a crucial part of the process and it is one that often has too many moving parts. The editorial team and I really enjoyed looking at the unique ways that hatchery fish are being transported to its next destination. 

For example, I originally found the idea for the cover story after finding a viral video of Utah’s plane stocking. The video explained that because of the lake’s unique geography, releasing fry by plane was the most practical method. Then, our writer, Lynn Fantom, discovered that New York was doing something similar. 

The cover story was great to explore, learning about the amount of skill and coordination it takes to execute such a thing. I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as we enjoyed investigating it. 


Another story we explored for this issue is the complex challenges that come with shipping eggs across the United States. Hatchery managers and operators share their experiences in the meticulous planning involved.

Everyone has their own way of solving the many challenges that come with transport, but even then, there are so many things that can be out of anyone’s control – namely the weather. 

Fish handling and transport is an incredibly fascinating subject and if you agree, I’d like to explore more solutions and best practices for this part of the hatchery work. I intend to handle my role with as much care as the fish that you care for.

So, I’m thankful for the editorial advisory team for sharing their ideas. But I’d also, like to welcome reader participation as much as possible. 

If I may, I’d like to also continue to invite you to consider submitting nominations for this year’s Top 10 Under 40 program. We want to feature young professionals from all corners of the globe. The key is diversity of backgrounds and experiences. More details can be found on our website. 

I’d also love to hear your ideas at  jkodin@annexbusinessmedia.com.  

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