Hatchery International

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Salmon fingerlings from Scotland touch down in Dubai

FloatPac, owners of FishPac live seafood transportation systems, have announced the first successful shipments of live salmon parr fingerlings (Salmo salar), from Scotland to Dubai.

August 10, 2018  By Hatchery International staff


“The ability to ship both parr and smolt is significant,” said FloatPac CEO Gavin Hodgins. “As land-based salmon RAS farming becomes more popular, the need for sound transportation of live salmon at all lifecycles is becoming increasingly important.”

FloatPac’s air freight oxygen delivery system has allowed for the stocking of a large recirculation aquaculture farm in Dubai – The Fish Farm LLC – with fingerlings, the company said.

“That means that, thanks to FishPac, locally supplied, live and fresh chilled salmon will be available in the UAE market from late 2018,” Hodgins said.

The process, which saw a total of 38,500 fish successfully transported in 42 bin movements over a five-month period, included a five-hour road journey to Glasgow airport, 7.5-hour flight to Dubai and customs clearance – culminating in a transit period of, on average, 20 to 26 hours.


“The key objective of the transport was to deliver fish in the best possible condition, without compromising their future growth potential,” said FloatPac’s marine biologist, Peter Rankin.

“Following successful pre-shipment trials with 40g fish in Scotland, shipments were ultimately undertaken at a density of around 55kg per m³ per bin,” he added.

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