Hatchery International

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NaturalShrimp focuses on study for potential to enter freshwater fish markets

September 17, 2021  By Hatchery International Staff

NaturalShrimp is currently testing technologies that create antioxidant environments in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), to reduce the redox reaction in fish gills to counteract fish susceptibility to harmful effects of ammonia. This study could enable the company to enter the salmon, barramundi, and other freshwater fish markets.

The tests, which are taking place at the Marineholmen RASLab in Bergen, Norway, are looking at the effects of hyper-antioxidant technologies on oxidation and fish health in RAS, and is focused specifically on the production of freshwater salmon. If proven as effective as the pre-study data has indicated, the technologies could give NaturalShrimp the ability to enter freshwater fish markets.

“An initial trial was performed with RASLab to investigate the effects of a negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP) environment on Atlantic salmon smolt,” said Christine Huynh, doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM) aquatic species consultant for NaturalShrimp. “Fish grown in Hydrogas had significantly improved welfare scores, fewer inflammatory gill lesions and reduced early maturation. These early results are promising, and our intention is to explore the production, health and welfare effects further. The technology could potentially enhance the welfare and condition of Atlantic salmon in RAS.”

Mark Powell, CEO of Marineholmen RASLab continued: “It appeared from the studies we conducted at RASLab that the injection of Hydrogas had no negative impact on water quality in RAS or on Atlantic salmon performance in fresh or brackish saltwater. Moreover, welfare indicators showed that there was a marked improvement in the external fish welfare characteristics and appearance of gill health of fish exposed to Hydrogas compared with control fish.”


NaturalShrimp funded the RASLab research through its market development partnership with Hydrenesis, an exclusive commercialization agent for the technologies in the aquaculture market.

“This trial represents an important step toward introducing HydroGas technology into the salmon industry. These initial results indicate potential applications not only for salmon but also for additional species of finfish,” said David Antelo, CEO of Hydrenesis.

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