Hatchery International

Features Opinion
From the Editor: We want more stories

November 2, 2022  By Jean Ko Din

It is that time of year again when we have the chance to celebrate the younger generation of the hatchery industry.  

When total employment in the aquaculture sector has been flattening in the past few years, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization 2022 report, it’s nice to look to young people who are driving change in their own region of the industry. 

This year, as with all other years, we strive to find a diverse group of professionals in fish and seafood hatcheries around the world. I think we have a great group of people of different backgrounds, regions and specializations in this issue. But, we could always do more to look for those hidden corners where good culture and fish farming is happening. 

It’s a challenge every year to look to places we’ve never been before. Our nominations grow every year but I think there is always room to bring more representation, and therefore more inherent value, to this program. The Top 10 Under 40 is at its best when we can honour more women, more people of colour, more geographic locations, more unique species cultures and more creative solutions to everyday hatchery problems. That’s also why, every year, I quietly seek new places where we’ve never gotten nominations from before. 


But, my own personal reach in the industry can only stretch so far. I rely heavily on you, the readers, to spread the word.

Please join me in congratulating this year’s well-deserved winners and for the accomplishments that brought their talents to our pages. And then, start preparing new people to nominate for next year! 

I’d love to hear about a young researcher that is spearheading a project to commercialize a brand new species for aquaculture. Perhaps, there is a young tech engineer that has developed a mobile app that could change the game for rural fish farmers with limited resources. I want to find a young geneticist that has developed an effective breeding program that could improve a wild species’ temperature tolerance or disease resistance in ocean climates. 

We want to continue telling these stories in our pages with the hope of elevating these new ideas. In turn, I hope that the sharing of these new ideas can elevate the industry as a whole. As always, my inbox is open at jkodin@annexbusinessmedia.com.  


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