Hatchery International

Features Profiles
9th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (DAA9)

June 25, 2014  By David Scarratt

The Fish Health Section of the Asian Fisheries Society holds triennial symposia on “Diseases in Asian Aquaculture” (DAA) to discuss issues and topics related to aquatic animal health in Asian aquaculture.

The Fish Health Section (FHS) of the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) and The Department of Animal Health (DAH) of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Vietnam announce the 9th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (DAA9) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam from 24-28 November 2014. For registration details visit the website.

The Japanese Society of Fish Pathology (JSFP) Co-sponsor of DAA9 will publish about 30 papers presented at the DAA9 symposium in the JSFP Journal “Fish Pathology” as a special on-line issue within one year of the completion of DAA9 event. A special editorial board under the Fish Pathology journal editorial board will be constituted for the purpose of overseeing the publication of special issue of Fish Pathology journal. JSFP will provide online access to the special issue of the Fish Pathology journal to all members of FHS and JSFP.

Authors registering for DAA9 and wishing their papers to be considered for publication in Fish Pathology journal, should prepare the full manuscripts by following Fish Pathology journal guidelines available at http://www.fish-pathology.com/en/guideline_for_contributors.pdf. Only oral and poster papers presented at the symposium will be considered for publication.  Full manuscripts must be submitted to the secretary section of FHS (or DAA9) on or before 27 November 2014 and must carry a foot note clearly stating that the paper was presented as a oral/poster paper at xxxx session (Session Name)  on xxxxx (date).

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